Monday, August 20, 2012

And it begins....

So we put an offer in on a house on Sunday and it was accepted! :)

And so it begins.....organizing, packing, cleaning, throwing things out, etc., etc.!! I am very excited and am exhausted already about what September is going to bring my way!!! :) Packing and Unpacking, 4 Year Anniversary, and Cole's 3rd Birthday all in one month!! September is one of my favorite months anyways so this is just icing on the cake!! Fingers crossed that everything turns turns out good!!!

Everyone is very excited! I told my son while outside on the patio at Kara's first birthday party that we were buying a new house and he pointed to their backyard and said "overthere" lol! :) So no we wont be sleeping in the Dietrich's backyard but he seemed excited none the less! :)

All in all we are very excited for this new chapter in our life and couldn't feel more blessed!! Thanks to my friends for "keeping me together" while I stressed about this for the last month!! :) Love ya all!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The last two days of craziness...Vacation Days 3 & 4!

So the last two days of our vacation where not as crazy as the first two but they sure did have their moments!

On Friday we got up early and headed to Cincinnati Premium Outlets! Once again Brynn did not do well in the car and I figured out part of the cause for that....her dvd player had stopped on the list...find a new dvd player lol!

We get to the outlet mall and rent a stroller...wouldn't ya figure that the stroller we got didnt have buckles to buckle either of them in?? Chad decided instead of going back in and getting a different stroller that we would just use that one...BIG MISTAKE!!! The kids did not want to sit in the stroller and when they found out that they werent strapped in all hell broke loose lol! Needless to say we werent at the mall long! We also made the mistake of taking the kids into the Disney Store! I love this store, and so did the kids, which would have been fine but since they got out of their strollers they were running around the store like crazy!! $100 later and a couple of broken items and we were on our way!

After the mall, we headed home for naps! After naps we decided to go back up to the Aquarium, it was earlier but not by much! We left my mom's house at 2:30 pm...apparently Friday in Cincinnati is everyone get off early day, so that meant more traffic :( ugh seriously, thank god I live in Iowa, I dont think I could handle anymore traffic! We get to the Aquarium at like 3:30 or so (suppose to be 35 min drive) and head into the Aquarium. The kids had so much fun! Cole was running around crazy screaming "look it mom, look it" was so cute! It actually made the drive worth it in the end!! :) We got through the entire aquarium in 50 MINUTES!! If you are wondering why this is in all caps, read my previous post!! grrr...the lady the night before told us that it would take 2 hrs to get through the entire Aquarium, hence being the reaon we didnt go the night before because we got there at 6 and they closed at 7...but it only took 50 MINUTES, meaning we could have actually gone the night before!!! Just another crazy to add to the list lol! o well! the kids had fun!

That night we met up with my grandparents for dinner at a Mexican place and the kids were crazy so we didnt end up staying long! Brynna didnt want to sit in her high chair, the kids didnt get their food until like 15 minutes after everyone else had their food (which was already 30 mins after we ordered), Cole was done eating after I had like 2 bites (while holding Brynn on my lap), Cole ended up sneaking off somehow and we find him by the FRONT DOOR! Seriously it was nuts!!

Saturday was a lot better!! We spent some time at my grandma's house and then just chilled at my moms! That night we headed out for some ADULT TIME with some of my fam while my mom watched the me it was much needed!

All in all, we had a good time, but a crazy time! I guess they say life's not worth living unless its crazy! Well that was def true for this vacation :)

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Trains, Puppies and Big Thunderboomers...Vacation Day 2!

So today went a little better but not by far!

It actually started off this morning with being really tired for a numerous of reasons:

1. the room still smelled like poop.
2. we had to put the windown open to air the room out, thus being able to hear the traffic (ALL NIGHT LONG) who in the heck is driving around that early in the morning...goodness.
3. Besides the cars driving by, we could also hear the TRAIN (literally about every 5 minutes) going off!!! SERIOUSLY!
4. The kids were obviously not comfortable because I could hear them rustling around all night long.
5. Besides the kids rustling around, some was my husband because he wasnt "comfortable".
6. We can just end this long list with the worst thunderstorm that lasted almost TWO hours!

So needless to say we started off this morning....TIRED! The kids got up bright and early at 8 a.m. (7 a.m. Iowa time) and ready to play.

We all got ready and decided to go to the Antique Mall and guess who forgot the stroller? yep thats right...this girl! They did however have carts, but this do not contain my son he literally was trying to climb out of them...and this Antique Mall was HUGE with breakables needless to say we didnt stay long!

We decided after that to come home and do naps... (no i didnt get one)! After nap we decided to go to the Newport Aquarium! We went and got discounted tickets and headed on our way! (it is 4:30 pm at this time)! No one was really thinking about time, we just left, well that was a BIG MISTAKE!!! We hit 5 o'clock traffic and what was supposed to be a 35 minute ride to the Aquarium ended up being AN HOUR IN A HALF!! That would have been bad enough if my daughter didnt think that we were making another long trip and cried the entire time because she wanted out!!! Literally the entire time!!!  And as if that wasnt bad enough...when we got to the Aquarium it was 6 pm (they close at 7 apparently) and they told us that they recommend 2 to 2 1/2 hours to go through the Aquarium and if we were still in there at 7 when they closed we would be kicked out no matter where we were at :(

So after telling Cole all day that we were going to go to see the sharks, Nemo and Dori and puppies??? (not sure why he thought puppies would be there) we ended up not being able to go :(

Ended the night however wtih some food, family and a little Rum Chata Root Beer Floats!!! so not a bad ending to an otherwise not so good day!....again...!!!

On tomorrow's agenda....Cincinnati Premium Outlet Mall and yes the Newport Aquarium (we are going earlier this time)!!!

Will update tomorrow!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I'm dreaming poop, pee and diaper cream...vacation day 1!

Well today is day one of vacation!

We left this morning at about 8 o"clock and headed to my mom's in Hamilton, Ohio (about an 8 hour drive). I packed all the goodies, movies and toys and hoped for the best!!

Here is a list of how my day went:

1. Brynn whining "mommmieee" the WHOLE 9 HOURS (yes I said 9, although it is suppose to take 8 lol)
2. Cole was actually good! (Totally thought this was going to be the other way around)
3. Got to my mom's and the kids reversed roles (apparently Brynn just wanted out of her carseat and cole wanted back in his?)
4. Laid the kids down a little after 8 in the spare bedroom that we are sleeping in, the are both in seperate pack-n-plays next to eachother.
5. Cole starts banging on the door about an hour later yelling "mommy".
6. Walk in the room and find Cole standing at the door covered in poop from head to toe (NO JOKE)...
7. Look at Brynn and she is standing up in her pack-n-play, so I go to get her out so I can clean the poop off the carpet (after I put Cole in the bathtub), see diaper cream opened on the floor, look at Brynn closer and she has got diaper cream all over her hair, face, arms and legs. Apparently Cole wanted to "wash" sissy's hair with diaper cream!
8. I am half laughing/half crying at this whole situation, I am also very tired at this point from driving all day.
9. Take Brynn into the bathroom and am cleaning up Cole, Chad takes off Brynn's diaper and is waiting till Cole gets out of the bathtub, and Brynn pee's all over the floor.
10. I am now laughing histerically, I can hardly believe my luck at this point.
11. Get Cole out and put Brynn in, the diaper cream IS NOT coming out!! (any pointers would be great, washed her hair 3 times).

GOOD NIGHT!!!!! More to update tomorrow! :) Hopefully tomorrow is less eventful than tonight was!!!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Crazy days!!!

So here is a little update about what has been going on in my life! Last week we decided to put our house up for sale! This is crazy only because we currently do not have a house to go to! However we are excited none the less! So we ended up accepting an offer on our house on Saturday! So homeless here we come!! If anyone knows of any houses that are going to be for sale, let me know!!!! We are excited for a new adventure! However a little sad as well, our kids have only ever lived at that house, so we have a lot of memories but I know we will make memories at a new house!!!

High Rolling, Vegas Style!

So it has been awhile since I blogged :( yep I have been super crazy busy these past couple of weeks and now I am going to play catch up!!! Vegas was amazing! Couldn't have asked to go with a better group of people!

In the airport having a couple!

The four of us in front of Bellagio Fountains!

"In our Red High Heels"

Oh Evening I miss you and I def know you miss us! This place had the best/cheapest drinks for what you actaully got!!! They were drink slushies!

Our boys are so tough! Nobody messed with us in Vegas ;)

Haha...our Cupid Heros!!! Nasty, Trashy and Awesome!

So we purchased this Party Bus Tour on Groupon and here are a couple of pics from that! Very fun and different experience! We went to one club and to enjoy it you would have had to been on drugs or something! It was NUTS!!! There was strobe lights, techno music, teletubbies (no I am not kidding), people with rainbow glow sticks, a pirate handing out shots of Captain Morgan, half naked ladies dancing on was jut crazy!

We had such a good time! And I can't wait to go back!!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The 4th of July!

So I haven't blogged in awhile but in my defense last week was crazy with the 4th of July and leaving for Vegas!!!

Our 4th of July was actually very low key this year! The weekend before Chad ended up having to work so I was stuck by myself the whole weekend (which I hate) and he wasnt suppose to be home until about 4pm on the 4th :( He ended up actually getting the 4th off somehow and got home at like 6:30 on the 3rd! So we didnt have any plans really for the 4th because I didnt think Chad would be home!

We didnt do much during the day I made a pasta salad and a Ice Cream Sandwhich Cake (recipe is seriously amazing!!!) to take over to Chad's parents house for a grill out. Cole was in the parade with my step mom Nikki and the Boot Camp Madness float and we watched the parade in the scorching heat! Holly Molly! It was so hott I had to have Chad's mom take Brynn over to the post-office to wait out the rest of it! She started to look like she was going to pass out (scarriest moment ever)! After the parade we went to Chad's parents and had a grill out and then watched the fireworks!

I was so excited this year to see Brynn's reaction and she didnt let me down!!! Everytime she saw a firework she would look at me, point, and say "see" cute.....for the first 10 times literally was after almost every one! Cole was so excited and kept saying "mom look it", "wow" and "its fireworks" was so cute!!

As promised:

Ice Cream Sandwich Cake

1 box of ice cream sandwichs (mine had 12 in it)
1 container of carmel
1 container of hot fudge
1 package of oreos
1 container whip cream

1) crush the entire package of oreos
2) mix together crushed oreos, carmel and hot fudge
3) put 4 ice cream sandwiches on the bottom, add a layer of the oreo filling, then layer again with 4 ice cream sandwiches...keep repeating until gone.
4) spread whip cream over the entire cake and freeze!

You could also put more crushed oreos over the top! yummy!!


Next blog to come...VEGAS!!!! stay tuned!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Oh...Channing Tatum!

So this weekend was filled with Channing Tatum...and I AM DEF ok with that!!! :) On Friday night I went out with Emmie, Ashley, Julia and Amy D. to see Magic Mike! This movie was FREAKING FANTASTIC....Channing Tatum is only sexier now that I have seen this movie and I now have a whole new appreciation for the song "Ride My Pony" by Genuwine! YUMMY is all I have to say about that! The movie is a must see!!!!
Saturday was spent packing and cleaning since I am going to VEGAS this week! Heck ya!!! We leave on Thursday with some amazing people: Alicia and Dan Overton! So freaking excited I can hardly wait...but gonna miss my babes! I have never left them for this long so we shall see how it goes! :) And I apparently didn't get enough of Channing Tatum on Friday night because I rented "21 Jumpstreet" on Saturday night! It was pretty good, funny!!

Sunday I went to Iowa City with my sister, and exchanged and returned some of the dresses that I had previously bought for Vegas and got some new fun ones! The dresses I ended up getting are below! The first one is from Forever 21, and the second one is from Express! Love both of those stores!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Drunk on Luke Bryan!

So busy pretty much sums up the fact that I have not blogged in AGES!! It seems like my life never stops enough to even let me breath a little!! Not saying thats a bad thing just crazy! :)

This weekend on Friday I went to the Luke Bryan Concert with Ashley, Emmie, Krista and Alicia. It was so much fun! Here is a list that pretty much sums up our night:

1. We got poured on thirty minutes into the concert and it didnt stop raining the entire time we were there! There is something really sexy about Luke Bryan soaked on stage singing :)
2. I nearly got attacked by a 60 year old woman and her possy because she thought we were trying to steal her spot for the concert...let me remind you it is general admission, apparently you can claim ground now? lol...she was crazy!
3. I got yelled at and dirty looks from a lot of other people because apparently "your not suppose to stand there" geesh people.
4. I confronted some guy with a hankerchief on his head for smoking a joint (with cops around) lol (it was a cigarette, good thing he found it commical).

We had a lot of fun and I would do it all over again, the exact same way, soaked, crazy old women, hankerchief smokers and all :)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Uppercase Living Crazy!

This month Uppercase Living is having an awesome special: Spend $80 get 20% off! They hardly ever do this!!! Everyone should take advantage! I will be closing the show tomorrow night! If you would like anything pleas let me know! You can visit my website and choose Becky Lown's party to associate your order with!

Here are some pics of some of the things that you can do with Uppercase Living!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

More Vegas Shopping!

So I am incredibly bored today and being that I have ONE month left until I head to beautiful Vegas, I decided to do some online shopping!

 Bought these dresses at Forever 21! I thought the black one woud be cute to go out in at night and wear the other one during the day!

 Got these two at Express! So cute for during the day!
I love both of these! The bangles on the left are from Forever 21 $4.80!!! Such a good deal and the lip gloss/perfume (on sale for $10) on the right is from Express!! I thought this would be perfect to throw in my wristlet!!!

So when I said I did a little shopping....I might have under exaggerated a bit! lol!! However, I did get some great deals! At Express I had a $30 off coupon, and at Forever 21 I find a coupon code online for Free Shipping plus 10% off (PG7FVJ is the promo code)!! Can't beat it!

I may be going a little crazy with this Vegas trip! o well! I guess I will be in style! Can't wait!! :)

Memorial Day Weekend!

So along with our lovely camping adventure, my mom and step dad also came from Ohio!! The kids and I were so excited, we had not seem them since Brynn's birthday party in March!! They got in late Friday night around 2 a.m.

On Saturday we kind of just hung around the house and then we ended up back at Iowa Lake (just for lunch ;) ) but it was so nice outside that the kids actually had fun! Brynn however thinks she is just a big girl because she was wondering around the camp sites like her stuff didnt was too cute...for like 10 that I had to chase her around everywhere this momma was ready to just relax!!

When we got home from the lake we just hung out outside and let the kids swim in the pool! It was such a nice day! After that we finished with some pizza and a movie! We went to redbox and got "One for the money" with Kathryn Heigel (spelling?)...I ususally love her movies she is one of my favorite actresses...but this movie however was not very good!! I was really disappointed!

Sunday my mom watched the kids and Chad and I, along with my step dad my sister and her boyfriend, all went golfing! It was so fun, and I am getting better!!! After a long afternoon of golfing and getting completely fried (I can barely sleep) we came home and grilled chicken skewers with pineapple, onion and peppers, and grilled asaparagus and potatoes! It was soooo yummy! Chad and I finished the night off by going to Shelby and Jac's Housewarming party! Such a cute house! We had a good time!!

Monday my mom and stepdad left to go back to Ohio :( We always miss them when they leave! Chad and I packed up the kids and headed to Iowa City for a little shopping! We came home and decided to have some friends over to grill!

I ended the night with my besties watching Bachelorette and drinking some wine! Our usual Monday routine!!

Minus the camping adventure it was such a great five days off!

Camping when it's raining...I think not!!!

So this past weekend I had five days off!! We decided that we would try and go camping a couple of those days since Chad's parents were out there! I spent Thursday (my first day off) packing most of the day then we packed up the car and headed to the Lake! Once we got there it started raining within 30 minutes, which meant hanging out in Chad's parents camper! They have a big camper but there was 6 of us with the kids in one space! So we ate and then hung out for a little while longer! When it was time for bed Cole was not having it...he was confused, wanted to sleep in his own room and kept saying "I wanna go home"...needless to say we were all tired (and a lil kranky from being cooped up) and about 30 minutes later he finally fell asleep (with Chad and I of course)! I think maybe that night I got a total of 4 hrs of sleep...let me tell ya why!

1. We were sleeping in a pop-up camper, which meant we heard cars and people talking all night long!
2. Brynn kept waking up in her pack-in-play because she moves around so much and her legs and feet kept hitting the sides....everytime she woke up, Cole woke up!
3. Cole (when Brynn wasn't waking up the whole camper) slept with his arms around/by my face ALL NIGHT! Now I love my son and love that he wants to be close to me, but goodness gracious talk about uncomfortable! When his arms were not in my face they were digging in my back, which was exactly where his feet were all night!
4. Chad woke up twice in the middle of the night with leg cramps!
5. I never sleep good in a camper anyways, and given the circumstances.....

As I am typing that I am laughing because I now realize just how comical this is!

So we woke up BRIGHT AND EARLY at 6:15 a.m when Brynn decided she had had enough! and it was nice out for awhile but chilly...and then guess what...IT RAINED off and on ALL DAY! Which meant we were stuck in the camper again...ALL DAY! Which meant that the kids were fit to be tied! They were so cranky and who wouldnt be, heck I was cranky too! Everytime it would dry enough for us to be outside, it would rain again! Blah!

So we were suppose to stay again on Friday night, but there was thunderstorms in the radar! I did not want to add thunderstorms to the list of reasons why we couldnt sleep, so we decided just to go home! And good thing we did, we got hail in Williamsburg, I dont know about Iowa Lake but thats good enough reason for me!!!

I think it may be awhile before we take another family camping adventure!!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Bachelorette Fun!

Tonight is our "girls night" through the week! It use to be on Thursday nights (Grey's Anatomy) but we switched to Monday's for The Bachelorette!!

On the menu tonight: Homemade Chicken Alfredo, Breadsticks, Salad, and Strawberry Cheesecake...and of course WINE!!!

Love nights like these :)

Productivity is the name of the game!!!

My weekend was just that "Productive"!!! I was off Friday so I started at 9 a.m. and completely deep cleaned both Cole and Brynn's rooms!! They looked (as in past tense since it is now Monday) amazing!!! Packed up all the old toys and clothes and got rid of the changing table in Brynn's room (finally, that is just one of those things that stays on the back of a mom's mind with the list of the other things that don't seem to ever get done)!!!

After that I deep cleaned the downstairs, pulled weeds, did laundry and started making food for my Lia Sophia Party!!! The party was a lot of fun fully furnished with 6 bottles of wine, queso, spinach dip and smokies! Who couldn't have a good time with that setup ;) Lots of fun and lots of laughs!!

Saturday morning we all got up and went to the dump to get rid of some more stuff!! I cleaned out my car, cleaned the house (again), did more laundry (I swear its never ending) and cleaned and organized the basement (another one of those things crossed off my "mom mind list")!!! Then we took the kids to McDonalds, and Chad and I grilled (late) and peacfully if I might add since the kids were in bed!! Its amazing how different it is to eat a meal without kids, even at home!!!

Sunday we got up and went to Iowa City! I took some more stuff to Goodwill, and took Cole's baby bedding to a new consignment shop called Itsy Bisty Boutique in North Liberty! They are going to sell my baby bedding there!! The place is so neat and cute! Then Chad went to pick up the camper since we are camping this weekend, I went home and put the kids down for a nap and mowed the lawn, did more laundry (really not an exaggeration lol), cleaned AGAIN!! and then we all went out to Lake Iowa and grilled with Chad's parents!! Then we came home, gave the kids a bath and I was so exhausted I fell asleep watching TV!

A really productive weekend if I do say so myself!! :) Its amazing what you can get done at home when you dont have much going on!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

My Four-Day Weekend!

My four-day-weekend had some good aspects and some bad!!

It started off on Friday! I spent most of the day with my friend Cassie and her beautiful baby Allie! We ate at Pizza Haus, went shopping (spent way to much money, but on a bright note got a new Coach Wristlet for Vegas!!) and then came home! That night I went out to eat at Myer's with Ashley and Emmie and then went to the Sundown for a bit with Ashley, Emmie and Alicia!

Saturday I spent most of the morning at home getting the house cleaned, laundry, etc. That afternoon we had a family golf outing (there was 9 of us)! The kids went to Ashley's to play with baby Kara (Terdah as Cole calls her most of the time!) Thanks Ash!! :) I haven't been golfing in literally like a year in a half or more and had forgotten how much fun it was! I didn't do too bad, but no hole in one this time! I am hoping that I get another one sometime in the future!! After golfing we picked up the kids and went back to my house and grilled out!

Sunday morning I woke up with a cold :( I could barely talk! So Chad had this big day planned and with a hot shower and some meds I muttered up enough energy to go along with it! We did a little shopping (I got my prescription Coach sunglasses- Thanks Babe!!), went out to eat and was home by 2:30 to go to Anna's Grad Party! After that it was naps and then a Mother's Day grill out at our house! Chad had asked me earlier that day what I wanted to eat that night, and without hesitation, I said Steaks, Peppers and Onions, Grilled Potatoes, Grilled Asaparagus and Ice Cream Cake! lol! Nothing wrong with a girl who knows what she likes ;) So that is what we had.....and it was AMAZING!!! All in all a great Mother's Day given my nasty cold!

Monday was a little less than great! Monday morning we had to take Cole into Mercy Hospital to get an MRI of his foot :( Cole has been limping for about 3 weeks now, x-rays come back normal, so they did an MRI! and he did really good! It just made me so nervous that he had to be put under! The doctor came back and told us he was really sweet and such a nice and handsome kid! What mother doesnt like to hear that?!?! When he woke up from the anesthetic (spelling?) he was very "out of sorts"! Take into consideration that it was 10:45am and he had not ate or drank anything since 7:30pm the night before AND he had just woken up from being put under....who wouldnt be "out of sorts"...but overall he did really well and now we are just waiting for the results!!! We came home from the hospital and he took an almost 4 hour nap!! Then we finished off the night with a walk!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

My Truth

I dont normally post quotes but I saw this on Pinterest and just had to post because everything about this quote is true!! I love my family with all my heart and a lot of days I take for granted what I have, thinking about the things I want. This quote kind of brings everything home and makes me feel truly blessed for the people I have in my life! And further makes me believe that whatever happens in the future I can take on!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Garage Sale, Cindo De Mayo and Shopping!!

So I had a garage sale last weekend and between the 5 of us we ended up selling over $900 worth of stuff...all in all I think it was a success!!! I still have some things left if anyone is interested! (Pictured below!)
On Saturday we had a Cinco De Mayo fun...we had tacos, homemade nachos and Chad made literally the best Strawberry Maragaritas!!! Sunday was going to be a lazy day, but since I had the garage sale I had quite a few errands to run in Iowa City. So we packed up the kids and headed there! I bought a couple of outfits to wear in Vegas! SUPER CUTE! Got them at express!! Pics below! Of course I wanted the whole store when I went in there but decided I better space out my rather expensive purchases!! Hope you like! Let me know your feedback!

Pottery Barn Nursery Bedding Set: Includes Bumper, Sheets, Pillow, Crib Skirt, 2 Shams, Changing Pad Cover, Stork Book Ends, Lamp Shade and Big Canvas Art Print! $150 OBO!

I have $40 of these! $3 a piece or 30 for all!

I have 33 of these! $100 OBO!

This is one of the outfits I bought....a Romper!!! Thinking some red high heels?!?! So excited to wear it! I ususally dont buy things like that but it is super cute!

This is the second dress I bought!! I really LOVE it! I went into the store by myself (chad took the kids to the play area thank goodness) so I had the sales associates helping me! When I told the girl that I was going to Vegas she brought me this dress and said this was totally a "vegas dress". I was very hesitant at first (it looked like a black bag on the hanger lol) but after trying it on....I FELL IN LOVE!!! Again I am very excited!!

Now only 1 evening dress to buy and 3 day dresses! I dont know what is more exciting buying new clothes for Vegas or Vegas itself ;)

Monday, April 30, 2012

Weekend Recap!

If I could pick two words to describe my weekend it would be FUN and LAZY!!!! I use the word fun because on Friday night I went out with the Ashley Dietrich and Emmie Baack :) We had so much fun! We ate at Texas Roadhouse and I got this new drink they have called Raspberry Tea Vodka...seriously it was literally the best drink ever! I had to push it away a couple of times for fear of guzzling the whole thing down in one gulp!! Try it...its amazing!! Then we went to see the movie "The Lucky One", which was really good, but I have read the book and there were quite a few differences, so my the movie first before reading the book or you will be sitting in the theatre the whole time thinking of all the differences! We had such a good time and so many laughs!!! Love those girls!

I use the word lazy because that is exactly how the rest of my weekend went!! I did absolutely nothing the rest of the weekend but clean and stay home, which was actually kind of seems like we always have something going on!

Sunday, my friend Julia came over and helped me sort and price all of my garage sale stuff! Bless her heart!! So that is all ready to go, and let me tell ya boy do I have a lot of stuff!! We ended the night with some homemade pizza and baths!

All in all a very good lazy weekend!!!

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Yesterday I was on Pinterest and found a receipe for homemade taquitos! I decided to make them last night and they were yummy! Below is the receipe, enjoy :)

3 oz cream cheese
1 cup of green salsa
1 cup of pepperjack cheese
2 cups of cooked/shredded chicken
1/4 cup of chopped green onions
1/2 tsp cumin
1 tsp onion powder
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp chili powder
10 flour or corn tortillas

Preheat the oven to 425 degrees. Heat the cream cheese in the microwave for 30 seconds or until easy to mix with. In a seperate bowl mix together the salsa, cumin, onion powder, garlic powder and chili powder. Once mixed add the cream cheese, shredded cheese and green onions. Spoon about 2-3 tbsp in each shell leaving about 1/2 in on each side of the tortilla and roll tightly. Put on a cookie sheet lined with foil and lightly sprayed with cooking spray. Once rolled light spray them with cooking spray and bake about 15-20 mins.!!

I made this somewhat healthier by using 1/3 fat free cream cheese, and low fat mexican cheese. I also used wheat tortillas (couldn't even tell a difference), pre-cooked tyson's chicken (actually pretty good), red salsa (I didnt have green, but I bet that would be really good) and I just used taco seasoning instead of the cumin, onion/garlic/chili powder. They turned out pretty good, the kids even liked them!!! They were also very easy and not time consuming at all. It took me all of 10 minutes to mix together, and I only had to bake them for about 15 minutes! So all together 25 minutes for dinner was awesome when you have impatient kids!! You could also mix the chicken mixture ahead of time and put in the fridge!!!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Garage Sale Crazy!!!

So I have decided that I am going garage sale crazy!!! I have been spending countless hours of going through tote after tote for my garage sale I am having for citywide next week!! I am somewhat impressed of the amount of stuff that I own that I didnt have any idea about!! Needless to say this is a much needed clean out, however,  I am going nuts!!! When I first started I didnt think I would have that much because I had two garage sales last year! Well boy was I wrong!!! I have went through two out of the three attic spaces and so far have 7 totes of you name it!!! My task this week is to go through the big attic space where all my decorations are and who knows what I will find in there!!!

Our garage sale is going to be huge!!! Not only do I have a ton of stuff, but there will also be 4 other families bringing their stuff over too!!! Here is the run down of our items:

Brown leather couch and chair, little tikes play cube, massage chair, end tables, desk, papazon chair, area rug, lamps, entertainment center, Pottery Barn Nursery Set (very cute it was Cole's-looks brand new), lots and lots of primitive house decor, baby/toddler clothes, some coach accessory items, womens clothes, housewares, bedding...and much more!!! (and who knows what else we will find) :)

Seriously I was writing up my ad for the paper (suppose to be limited to 20 words) what in the heck do you pick for 20 words out of the above list!! There was just too much!

I am very excited and hopefully lots of people show up!! Below are our hours!!!

Thursday May 3rd- from 9-6, Friday May 4th from 9-6 and Saturday May 5th from 9-2!!

Check us out!!! :)

Friday, April 20, 2012

Well it has been since 4/9/12 since I have lost blogged...WTH!!! lol!!! today is the 20th and I have much to talk about!!!

First things first.... I just finished the best book series I have ever read....Fifty Shades by E L James...if you have not read yet, I highly suggest you do. There is lots of romance (almost makes you need a cold shower) and such a good story line!!! - here is a link to her website for the series...I also heard they are going to make this into a movie! I CANNOT WAIT!!!!

Yesterday I had to take Brynn in for her 1 year check up and she is growing!!! Was 20.25 lbs and in the 85th percentile for height! Big girl!! She is also walking all over the place now...I can hardly believe it!!

Last weekend I went to the craft show at the Mariott in Coralville and found some very cool things... I love going to those craft shows they are so much fun! Below is one of the things I got that I LOVE and it was only $20...thats a good deal if you ask me!!!

I promise in the future to not let it be so long before I blog again!!!!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Our Easter Weekend!!!

Our Easter weekend was so nice, spent with family!! On Saturday we went to see the Easter Bunny at the rec center...Cole was terrified, which is so funny because he never has been before...I couldn't even get him to stand by the Easter Bunny! Brynn sat on the Easter Bunny's lap but she gave me a look like "mom what in the heck is this thing" to say the least she was not enthused! Then we went to the Pasturczak's for dinner!!! Sunday the kids opened their easter baskets and Cole was so excited he kept saying "mommy dis is for me!" and "o gosh!" lol...he literally cracks me up! Brynna kept cheesing at me at digging through her basket...LOVE MY KIDS!!! After that we went to church, had an easter egg hunt and then had family over for dinner! All in all it was a great weekend filled with great memories!! Love my family :)

Brynna digging into her Easter Basket!

Cole didnt waste anytime he pulled everything out and also kept saying "mommy look it" :) he was so excited!!

Our Easter Outfits for church! they both love to cheese for the camera!! too cute!

Monday, March 26, 2012

crazy, crazy busy!

I have been rather busy and I realize I have not posted in awhile so this post might be rather long! lol!!

Wednesday, March 21!
It was my daughter's 1st Birthday! I can hardly believe that I am saying that...but I guess they gotta grow up. We went to the Niabi Zoo...the kids had so much fun, we saw lots of animals and rode the train! If you ask Cole if he had fun at the zoo the only thing he will say is "Ya I ride Train" and "I wanna ride hooseys (code word for carousel lol) I cannot do circles so we did not ride the hooseys..but he sure talked about them alot!!! Then we had a little get together at our house with our family! It was a perfect today, weather and all!!!

Friday, March 23
We went out with Miranda and Pj Pasturczak to Reds in North Liberty....very cool place!! We had already ate dinner so Chad and I just got an appetizer (Queso Dip and Chips) Their Queso Dip is very very good I highly reccomend it! I have heard that they have really good food, so maybe next time we will go for dinner. We didnt get there till after 8, had a few drinks, a few laughs and was home by nice to get out for a little bit for a little adult time!

Saturday, March 24
This morning I opened my fridge and realized I HAVE NO FOOD!! So to Iowa City we went....its so funny when you go to Iowa City its like the town sucks you in and you end up being there ALL DAY! We got to Iowa City around 10 and was there until 5...eeeks! We always have a lot of errands to run when we go there! The kids did pretty good, considering they both only had two 30 minute naps that day!

Sunday, March 25
What a beautiful day!!! I love that it can be 75 in March! Today we spent at home, since from my above post we werent at home at all on saturday hardly and it was very productive. Chad cleaned out gutters and mowed the lawn, and I pulled weeds (yes I had weeds in March blah...) did laundry, cleaned the house, cleaned out the refrigerator! Then we took a family trip out to the mall and got Sundae's! Cole was so excited about the ice cream! Then we went home and had chicken tacos for dinner...yummo!!

All in all it was a very good weekend spent with my family!! I love them so much, its weekends like this that make you appreciate what you have in life!!!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Spring Fever or maybe Summer Fever?!?!?

I can hardly believe it is going to be almost 80 degrees today!!! I am very excited to start getting out the spring/summer clothes! So excited that we had a little photo shoot at home and daycare this morning! Thanks to Amber Cook for the outside pictures!

Little Miss Brynn posing on the steps at daycare!

Hm...whats this do?!

Funny Face!

"I wanna say Cheese Mommy"

First day of summer clothes for 2012- March 14th!! Holly cow never thought I would say that!!!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Weekend Fun!

This weekend I didn't do anything but CLEAN!!! Spring fever hit my house and I took off!! This coming weekend we have Brynn's 1st Birthday Party, so all weekend I cleaned and organized! Lets just say by Sunday night I was exhausted! We finished our bathroom remodel, so that was exciting!! and it looks great (pics to come)!!!! A big thanks to my husband Chad Pasturczak who worked his tail off to get it done in just 3 days!!! Sunday we went to Iowa City to get some decoations for the bathroom, and just enjoyed the rest of the day at home!

This week is going to be crazy! Didn't realize that it was going to be 70 on Saturday, so now I have to clean the garage, patio and deck! uggh....lots of work but should be worth it to see my little girls face during her birthday party!!! Also very excited to see my family!! That is always a good time!

Not to mention it is my baby's 1st birthday party, BUT it is also St. Patty's day and I am part IRISH!! This makes me very excited as well! May have to do a little celebrating myself ;) Have a good week everyone!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Should have stayed in bed this morning :/

So I woke up this morning at my normal time and go to get in the shower and I hear Brynn on the monitor, I then think to myself "what in the world is she doing up already" I put my clothes back on go downstairs, get her some cheerios and a sippy cup and bring her upstairs with me. I close the bathroom door so she cant get out, and I get in the shower (not even sure you can classify what I took a shower, I literally put soap in my hair, washed my body and got out, because Miss Brynn was trying to eat toliet paper the whole time...ahhh...really toliet paper?). Once I get out of the shower, I am trying to get ready and she is crying, she wants me to pick her up, so I do, but now I cant get ready, so I literally have to sit on the floor with her in my lap while I blow dry my hair. At this point I decided I am going to have to go to work like this (no make up, hair a mess) because if I waste anymore time, I am then going to be LATE for work. So I grabbed Brynn, go downstairs, put her down (she doesnt make one peep the ENTIRE TIME downstairs before we leave) I open up Cole's bedroom door and say "good morning buddy, get up we need to get dressed" I hear "im tummin mom" a little to close for him to be in his bed, so I open the door a little wider and see that he is actually standing by the door, covered head to toe in POOP, and in case you didnt hear the first time, I will say it again, covered head to toe in POOP. He literally took of his diaper, and pooped on the floor! ahhhhh!!! He looks at me and says "I poop mom", I am thinking to myself "ya no kidding" lol REALLY, so to the tub we go! The day has to get better right?!?!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Uppercase Living!!

Uppercase Living is having so many great specials this month!!! They are having a hostess bump-it-up promotion, which allows you to get even more free product!!! They also have a special if you spend $50 you can receive one expression FREE from our new Inspirations Catalog! Also this month, if you are looking to gain some extra money, you can sign up to sell Uppercase for only $59, that is an amazing deal!! Message me if you are interested!!! This is a great way to get the girls together and have a girls night!!!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Workin it!

So as of Monday this week I have started to "work out", which means walking at the Rec really sure if that is classified as working out, but its as close as I am going to get! Anyways...tonight I got talked in to going to Zumba....I am pretty excited, although I am pretty sure I am going to look ridiculous lol I saw those moves and I am not sure my body moves in that type of way! Guess we will see, wish me luck!!!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Brynna's Birthday Pics!

Here are the rest of the pictures that Miranda and P.J. Pasturczak of Better Together Photo & Design took! Enjoy!

Exciting adventures of going out to eat!

So this weekend, on Friday, Chad and I ate at Hu Hot for lunch, which I love, until Friday night when I got food poisoning for the 2nd time...ughh! My stomach still feels funny today, don't think I will be eating there anytime soon! On Saturday night we went out to eat with my sister and her boyfriend to Texas Roadhouse! I was very excited and called ahead and we only had to wait 10 minutes to get our table (mind you it is 5 o'clock on a saturday) so we sit down, it takes 15 minutes for someone to take our drink order, get us rolls, and get our food order. It took 50 minutes to get our food and we were there a total of almost 2 hours!! So half way through our 2 hour dinner, my son Cole is getting pretty antsy, he is now throwing his crayons in the booth next to us (who have their food) hits a lady in the head, and then starts laughing...yes I know you are all thinking my goodness lol, which is exactly what I was thinking...My daughter has, at this point, already ate 2.5 rolls, and now you are all thinking again my goodness, which again is what I am thinking considering she is 11 months old! lol! So at this point, I have come to the conclusion that neither of my kids are going to eat the meals that I ordered them because they have already ate to much rolls and appetizers, my son is throwing crayons and trying to get out of the booth while screaming "out mommy", and this is all before our food is even here! Our food comes and my daughter continues to eat a couple of french fries and some carrots and then cries and wants out of her chair, my son is still throwing a fit because he is "all done" and wants to leave....we inhale our food as fast as we can and finally leave 2 hours later!!! Dont think I will be going there ever again with kids on a busy night!!! So two bad experiences in one weekend, I think this weekend we will be ordering in!!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Chinese Kitchen!

I have been craving chinese and being that there is no chinese nearby that will deliver, I am going to try tonight to make homemade chicken fried rice and crab rangoons! I found the recipes on Pinterest (my other new found love) and I am hoping that they turn out ok!! Wish me luck!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Potty Training Woes

So Cole has been pretty much completely potty trained for like a month or so now, which is very exciting!! However, here in this last week, when we are at home, he has been pooping his pants. I am not sure what happened he has always went poop in the potty before and now all of a sudden he decides not to! When I ask him why he pooped in his pants all he says is "yucky mommy, I pooped in my pants"...I encourage him to poop in the potty and he says "I poop in the potty mom" and gets all excited but when it comes down to it...nothing...hopefully this is just a stage and doesn't last long!

Monday, February 20, 2012

1st Birthday Invitations!

We recently just got Brynn's pictures taken for her 1st birthday invitations (I can hardly believe it is almost here) they turned out great! A huge thanks to P.J. and Miranda Pasturczak who took them! This was also Brynn's first time having a cup cake and I thought maybe she would hesitate to pick it up and wonder what it was, but nope not my little porker, she grabbed it immediately and shoved it her in mouth and then screamed for another one! lol! It was so cute! Above is one of the pictures that were taken!