Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A Healthier Me!

So I mentioned in my last post that I needed to loose so of my winter pounds and that starts today!!! I have been reading and kind of inspired by a blog called Mama Laughlin !! She really has some great stuff on her site, you should check her out!! is the day! I am excited to begin this journey to hopefully a "healthier me" we shall see where it takes me! I also have some great friends that are starting with me and that should def help!!

A lot has been going on with me lately!! For starters: I had to put a notice in at my job due to cost of daycare :( I really love working, however, I love being with my kids also!! And by the time I paid daycare and gas expense, I just wasnt making enough money to justify spending that much time away from my kids!! SO who knows what the future will hold for me but that is the news thus far!! I am still in the process of looking to see if I can find something that pays better, however, It has allowed me to spend some much needed time with my kiddos!! Below are some recent pics!

They really do get along sometimes ;)

We actually got to break out the spring/summer gear for one day!

Love <3

handsome boy!

Little Miss Diva!!

Whats for dinner tonight you ask? Given my recent weight loss venture we are having:
~!~Turkey and Cheese Painini's~!~

Last nights Dinner: Chicken Parmesean w no noodles for me anyways, Brynn had two helpings ;) I was amazed by how full I was with just eating the chicken breast and half a breadstick!! :)

It is also girls night tonight! Excited to hang with the gals and just chill!! :)

Found this quote and it couldn't be more true, give my current situation, both with life and weight!! Enjoy!
Success is not a race, be patient.
Success leads to success.
Success is always a work in progress.
Success doesn't come to you--you go to it
Success is a journey, not a destination. Focus on the process.
Some people dream about success... while others wake up and work hard at it.
Success is achieved and maintained by those who try-and keep trying.
Everyday is a good day to SUCCEED!
If at first you don't succeed-try, try again


Hope you have a FaNtAsTic day!! :)

Friday, April 5, 2013

Getting all caught up!!

So I haven't blogged in awhile! Don't hate just been so busy! I know not a good excuse!! Well let me catch you up!!!

My last blog was when we put an offer in on that house well....we got it!! And we have been living here since the end of September!! It's great! Love is more like it!!!

Also in September my friend, Ashley Dietrich, and I started a new business called The Primitive Daisy!! Hopefully by now you have heard about it!!! If not, we are a children's boutique that specializes in hair accessories!!! We do have. Wide variety of different things, even boys bow ties and ties!!! Check us out on Facebook ( or our website (still under construction)! We do lots of craft shows and events! We would also like to get into doing vendor parties, so let me know if you are interested! :) 

Since then we have celebrated my sons 3rd birthday, Christmas, New Years, and my daughters 2nd birthday! Good now you are all caught up!!! ;) 

So since the weather is getting warmer I have rearranged my closet so that all the spring/summer clothes are easily accessible! While doing so I have come to the following conclusions:

1. I have ALOT of winter clothes and am going to be having a very HUGE garage sale at the end of this month!!
2. I have hardly any spring clothes...I mean what did I wear last year! Lol!!
3. The spring clothes I have are fitting a little snug :/ looks like it is time to she's those few winter pounds! 
4. Once those pounds are shed I am rewarding myself to a shopping spree! 

Today literally hit my like a bombshell and I have been "spring" cleaning since I woke up this morning! My house is so clean at the moment I feel like we all just need to leave so it can stay that way!!! 

While talking about losing weight I saw this on Facebook this morning and it made me giggle!! Enjoy! 

Hope you all have a good day! I promise I am back to blogging!!!