Wednesday, June 5, 2013

What a day/night/morning!

So yesterday was quite the day!! I was really tired all day at work and then came home to some roudy kids!!! Want a play by play?... If your answer was yes, well then your in luck!! :)

1. Made dinner and the kids didn't eat but 2 bites...#SHOCKER....Well I was already tired but decided to go ahead and make dinner since normally we eat left overs or sometimes they ask for cereal....Don't, Chad is not home during the week and it makes no sense to make a meal and have it wasted!!  Plus who doesn't love cereal!

2. We have been trying to potty train Brynn and it has been going ok (ok as in she goes in the potty when she decides she wants to)! Well last night Cole was going poop in the potty and Brynn said she had to go potty, so she walked in there after him! I was cleaning up after supper and was heading in there when I hear Brynn start crying uncontrollably! I RAN into the bathroom to find POOP all over the bathroom floor, down Brynn's legs and all over the bathroom rug! UGH! She must have been so scared that she pooped on the floor all she could do was cry, I felt awful for her! She kept saying "I pooped in my diaper", I think she meant I wanted to poop in my diaper? So I proceed to put her in the bath where she completely freaks out because I got the shower sprayer down and starts grabbing for me! Guess who now has poop all over them?? Yep, thats right....THIS GIRL! O well, So I clean her up and then get her out and that was the end of Brynn melt down #1!!

3. Bed time with Brynn has always, for the most part, been a breeze! She normally just goes right to bed....EXCEPT for tonight!! She was crying uncontrollably and screaming "I want to give bubby, hug, kiss and five"...mind you she had already given him a hug, kiss and five 3 times by this point but I let her do it again, just trying to get her to calm down!! After the 6th time, I had to say no, I mean enough is enough right? So she then proceeded to cry some more!! I finally got her calmed down and left her room!

At this point you are probably thinking....goodness there can't be more to my night right? WRONG!!!

4. I get Cole put into bed pretty easily and I am thinking that my night is done!! I can unwound a little from the night's fiasco's and just breathe! NOPE!! About 45 minutes later Brynn starts screaming, so I run into her room and she is standing in the middle of her bedroom floor with her shirt off saying "I peepee water in my bed" (no she didnt pee in her bed, she spilled her water cup, and yes again dont judge lol I know a little water in bed is prolly not good for now but we all have our bad habits right?) So I change her sheets, get a shirt back on her and get her back to bed! I am just leaving her room when she says, I want more water, so I go into the kitchen and get her a little more water (in a different cup, because the first one leaked). I walked back into her room, gave her the cup and she then proceeds to starting crying and screaming "not that one mommy, not that one, the other one" (the cup that leaked) I am thinking goodness here we go again!! So I give her the other cup! And she FINALLY falls asleep!!!
You are thinking ok NOW your night as got to be over!! NOPE WRONG AGAIN!!!

5. So I go back to living room and get the dishes done and decide to catch up on some DVR for a little whiel before I go to bed so I can wind down!! about 30 minutes later I hear Cole start crying! (to myself I am thinking seriously lol) at this point it is about 10:30...I walk into his room and I asked him whats wrong and our conversation goes something like this "I have to go potty" (while he is still crying), "ok, well then go potty", "ok, mommy"(completely calm). I follow him to the bathroom and he goes potty and gets back into bed and goes to sleep!

So now I can finally tell you that my night is OVER but my morning has just begun!!!

6. I didn't go to sleep until after 11 sometime, and woke up at 5 AM bright eyed! Really!?! lol..I tell ya! So I laid in bed and at about 5:30 Cole comes into my room and says "mommy, I peed in my bed"......AHHHHHHH.... Let me remind you that he peed before he went to bed and then peed again at 10:30....Does that kid just hold all his pee until night/morning...good grief lol!! So I got up and changed his sheets and put him back to bed! By that time it was time for me to shower and get ready for work! So to the shower I went!!!

So what do you do after a day/night like that you say??? you LAUGH!!! Literally it is quite commical don't ya think!?

Go out and have a good day everyone! :)