Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Uppercase Living Crazy!

This month Uppercase Living is having an awesome special: Spend $80 get 20% off! They hardly ever do this!!! Everyone should take advantage! I will be closing the show tomorrow night! If you would like anything pleas let me know! You can visit my website and choose Becky Lown's party to associate your order with!

Here are some pics of some of the things that you can do with Uppercase Living!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

More Vegas Shopping!

So I am incredibly bored today and being that I have ONE month left until I head to beautiful Vegas, I decided to do some online shopping!

 Bought these dresses at Forever 21! I thought the black one woud be cute to go out in at night and wear the other one during the day!

 Got these two at Express! So cute for during the day!
I love both of these! The bangles on the left are from Forever 21 $4.80!!! Such a good deal and the lip gloss/perfume (on sale for $10) on the right is from Express!! I thought this would be perfect to throw in my wristlet!!!

So when I said I did a little shopping....I might have under exaggerated a bit! lol!! However, I did get some great deals! At Express I had a $30 off coupon, and at Forever 21 I find a coupon code online for Free Shipping plus 10% off (PG7FVJ is the promo code)!! Can't beat it!

I may be going a little crazy with this Vegas trip! o well! I guess I will be in style! Can't wait!! :)

Memorial Day Weekend!

So along with our lovely camping adventure, my mom and step dad also came from Ohio!! The kids and I were so excited, we had not seem them since Brynn's birthday party in March!! They got in late Friday night around 2 a.m.

On Saturday we kind of just hung around the house and then we ended up back at Iowa Lake (just for lunch ;) ) but it was so nice outside that the kids actually had fun! Brynn however thinks she is just a big girl because she was wondering around the camp sites like her stuff didnt was too cute...for like 10 that I had to chase her around everywhere this momma was ready to just relax!!

When we got home from the lake we just hung out outside and let the kids swim in the pool! It was such a nice day! After that we finished with some pizza and a movie! We went to redbox and got "One for the money" with Kathryn Heigel (spelling?)...I ususally love her movies she is one of my favorite actresses...but this movie however was not very good!! I was really disappointed!

Sunday my mom watched the kids and Chad and I, along with my step dad my sister and her boyfriend, all went golfing! It was so fun, and I am getting better!!! After a long afternoon of golfing and getting completely fried (I can barely sleep) we came home and grilled chicken skewers with pineapple, onion and peppers, and grilled asaparagus and potatoes! It was soooo yummy! Chad and I finished the night off by going to Shelby and Jac's Housewarming party! Such a cute house! We had a good time!!

Monday my mom and stepdad left to go back to Ohio :( We always miss them when they leave! Chad and I packed up the kids and headed to Iowa City for a little shopping! We came home and decided to have some friends over to grill!

I ended the night with my besties watching Bachelorette and drinking some wine! Our usual Monday routine!!

Minus the camping adventure it was such a great five days off!

Camping when it's raining...I think not!!!

So this past weekend I had five days off!! We decided that we would try and go camping a couple of those days since Chad's parents were out there! I spent Thursday (my first day off) packing most of the day then we packed up the car and headed to the Lake! Once we got there it started raining within 30 minutes, which meant hanging out in Chad's parents camper! They have a big camper but there was 6 of us with the kids in one space! So we ate and then hung out for a little while longer! When it was time for bed Cole was not having it...he was confused, wanted to sleep in his own room and kept saying "I wanna go home"...needless to say we were all tired (and a lil kranky from being cooped up) and about 30 minutes later he finally fell asleep (with Chad and I of course)! I think maybe that night I got a total of 4 hrs of sleep...let me tell ya why!

1. We were sleeping in a pop-up camper, which meant we heard cars and people talking all night long!
2. Brynn kept waking up in her pack-in-play because she moves around so much and her legs and feet kept hitting the sides....everytime she woke up, Cole woke up!
3. Cole (when Brynn wasn't waking up the whole camper) slept with his arms around/by my face ALL NIGHT! Now I love my son and love that he wants to be close to me, but goodness gracious talk about uncomfortable! When his arms were not in my face they were digging in my back, which was exactly where his feet were all night!
4. Chad woke up twice in the middle of the night with leg cramps!
5. I never sleep good in a camper anyways, and given the circumstances.....

As I am typing that I am laughing because I now realize just how comical this is!

So we woke up BRIGHT AND EARLY at 6:15 a.m when Brynn decided she had had enough! and it was nice out for awhile but chilly...and then guess what...IT RAINED off and on ALL DAY! Which meant we were stuck in the camper again...ALL DAY! Which meant that the kids were fit to be tied! They were so cranky and who wouldnt be, heck I was cranky too! Everytime it would dry enough for us to be outside, it would rain again! Blah!

So we were suppose to stay again on Friday night, but there was thunderstorms in the radar! I did not want to add thunderstorms to the list of reasons why we couldnt sleep, so we decided just to go home! And good thing we did, we got hail in Williamsburg, I dont know about Iowa Lake but thats good enough reason for me!!!

I think it may be awhile before we take another family camping adventure!!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Bachelorette Fun!

Tonight is our "girls night" through the week! It use to be on Thursday nights (Grey's Anatomy) but we switched to Monday's for The Bachelorette!!

On the menu tonight: Homemade Chicken Alfredo, Breadsticks, Salad, and Strawberry Cheesecake...and of course WINE!!!

Love nights like these :)

Productivity is the name of the game!!!

My weekend was just that "Productive"!!! I was off Friday so I started at 9 a.m. and completely deep cleaned both Cole and Brynn's rooms!! They looked (as in past tense since it is now Monday) amazing!!! Packed up all the old toys and clothes and got rid of the changing table in Brynn's room (finally, that is just one of those things that stays on the back of a mom's mind with the list of the other things that don't seem to ever get done)!!!

After that I deep cleaned the downstairs, pulled weeds, did laundry and started making food for my Lia Sophia Party!!! The party was a lot of fun fully furnished with 6 bottles of wine, queso, spinach dip and smokies! Who couldn't have a good time with that setup ;) Lots of fun and lots of laughs!!

Saturday morning we all got up and went to the dump to get rid of some more stuff!! I cleaned out my car, cleaned the house (again), did more laundry (I swear its never ending) and cleaned and organized the basement (another one of those things crossed off my "mom mind list")!!! Then we took the kids to McDonalds, and Chad and I grilled (late) and peacfully if I might add since the kids were in bed!! Its amazing how different it is to eat a meal without kids, even at home!!!

Sunday we got up and went to Iowa City! I took some more stuff to Goodwill, and took Cole's baby bedding to a new consignment shop called Itsy Bisty Boutique in North Liberty! They are going to sell my baby bedding there!! The place is so neat and cute! Then Chad went to pick up the camper since we are camping this weekend, I went home and put the kids down for a nap and mowed the lawn, did more laundry (really not an exaggeration lol), cleaned AGAIN!! and then we all went out to Lake Iowa and grilled with Chad's parents!! Then we came home, gave the kids a bath and I was so exhausted I fell asleep watching TV!

A really productive weekend if I do say so myself!! :) Its amazing what you can get done at home when you dont have much going on!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

My Four-Day Weekend!

My four-day-weekend had some good aspects and some bad!!

It started off on Friday! I spent most of the day with my friend Cassie and her beautiful baby Allie! We ate at Pizza Haus, went shopping (spent way to much money, but on a bright note got a new Coach Wristlet for Vegas!!) and then came home! That night I went out to eat at Myer's with Ashley and Emmie and then went to the Sundown for a bit with Ashley, Emmie and Alicia!

Saturday I spent most of the morning at home getting the house cleaned, laundry, etc. That afternoon we had a family golf outing (there was 9 of us)! The kids went to Ashley's to play with baby Kara (Terdah as Cole calls her most of the time!) Thanks Ash!! :) I haven't been golfing in literally like a year in a half or more and had forgotten how much fun it was! I didn't do too bad, but no hole in one this time! I am hoping that I get another one sometime in the future!! After golfing we picked up the kids and went back to my house and grilled out!

Sunday morning I woke up with a cold :( I could barely talk! So Chad had this big day planned and with a hot shower and some meds I muttered up enough energy to go along with it! We did a little shopping (I got my prescription Coach sunglasses- Thanks Babe!!), went out to eat and was home by 2:30 to go to Anna's Grad Party! After that it was naps and then a Mother's Day grill out at our house! Chad had asked me earlier that day what I wanted to eat that night, and without hesitation, I said Steaks, Peppers and Onions, Grilled Potatoes, Grilled Asaparagus and Ice Cream Cake! lol! Nothing wrong with a girl who knows what she likes ;) So that is what we had.....and it was AMAZING!!! All in all a great Mother's Day given my nasty cold!

Monday was a little less than great! Monday morning we had to take Cole into Mercy Hospital to get an MRI of his foot :( Cole has been limping for about 3 weeks now, x-rays come back normal, so they did an MRI! and he did really good! It just made me so nervous that he had to be put under! The doctor came back and told us he was really sweet and such a nice and handsome kid! What mother doesnt like to hear that?!?! When he woke up from the anesthetic (spelling?) he was very "out of sorts"! Take into consideration that it was 10:45am and he had not ate or drank anything since 7:30pm the night before AND he had just woken up from being put under....who wouldnt be "out of sorts"...but overall he did really well and now we are just waiting for the results!!! We came home from the hospital and he took an almost 4 hour nap!! Then we finished off the night with a walk!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

My Truth

I dont normally post quotes but I saw this on Pinterest and just had to post because everything about this quote is true!! I love my family with all my heart and a lot of days I take for granted what I have, thinking about the things I want. This quote kind of brings everything home and makes me feel truly blessed for the people I have in my life! And further makes me believe that whatever happens in the future I can take on!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Garage Sale, Cindo De Mayo and Shopping!!

So I had a garage sale last weekend and between the 5 of us we ended up selling over $900 worth of stuff...all in all I think it was a success!!! I still have some things left if anyone is interested! (Pictured below!)
On Saturday we had a Cinco De Mayo fun...we had tacos, homemade nachos and Chad made literally the best Strawberry Maragaritas!!! Sunday was going to be a lazy day, but since I had the garage sale I had quite a few errands to run in Iowa City. So we packed up the kids and headed there! I bought a couple of outfits to wear in Vegas! SUPER CUTE! Got them at express!! Pics below! Of course I wanted the whole store when I went in there but decided I better space out my rather expensive purchases!! Hope you like! Let me know your feedback!

Pottery Barn Nursery Bedding Set: Includes Bumper, Sheets, Pillow, Crib Skirt, 2 Shams, Changing Pad Cover, Stork Book Ends, Lamp Shade and Big Canvas Art Print! $150 OBO!

I have $40 of these! $3 a piece or 30 for all!

I have 33 of these! $100 OBO!

This is one of the outfits I bought....a Romper!!! Thinking some red high heels?!?! So excited to wear it! I ususally dont buy things like that but it is super cute!

This is the second dress I bought!! I really LOVE it! I went into the store by myself (chad took the kids to the play area thank goodness) so I had the sales associates helping me! When I told the girl that I was going to Vegas she brought me this dress and said this was totally a "vegas dress". I was very hesitant at first (it looked like a black bag on the hanger lol) but after trying it on....I FELL IN LOVE!!! Again I am very excited!!

Now only 1 evening dress to buy and 3 day dresses! I dont know what is more exciting buying new clothes for Vegas or Vegas itself ;)