Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Camping when it's raining...I think not!!!

So this past weekend I had five days off!! We decided that we would try and go camping a couple of those days since Chad's parents were out there! I spent Thursday (my first day off) packing most of the day then we packed up the car and headed to the Lake! Once we got there it started raining within 30 minutes, which meant hanging out in Chad's parents camper! They have a big camper but there was 6 of us with the kids in one space! So we ate and then hung out for a little while longer! When it was time for bed Cole was not having it...he was confused, wanted to sleep in his own room and kept saying "I wanna go home"...needless to say we were all tired (and a lil kranky from being cooped up) and about 30 minutes later he finally fell asleep (with Chad and I of course)! I think maybe that night I got a total of 4 hrs of sleep...let me tell ya why!

1. We were sleeping in a pop-up camper, which meant we heard cars and people talking all night long!
2. Brynn kept waking up in her pack-in-play because she moves around so much and her legs and feet kept hitting the sides....everytime she woke up, Cole woke up!
3. Cole (when Brynn wasn't waking up the whole camper) slept with his arms around/by my face ALL NIGHT! Now I love my son and love that he wants to be close to me, but goodness gracious talk about uncomfortable! When his arms were not in my face they were digging in my back, which was exactly where his feet were all night!
4. Chad woke up twice in the middle of the night with leg cramps!
5. I never sleep good in a camper anyways, and given the circumstances.....

As I am typing that I am laughing because I now realize just how comical this is!

So we woke up BRIGHT AND EARLY at 6:15 a.m when Brynn decided she had had enough! and it was nice out for awhile but chilly...and then guess what...IT RAINED off and on ALL DAY! Which meant we were stuck in the camper again...ALL DAY! Which meant that the kids were fit to be tied! They were so cranky and who wouldnt be, heck I was cranky too! Everytime it would dry enough for us to be outside, it would rain again! Blah!

So we were suppose to stay again on Friday night, but there was thunderstorms in the radar! I did not want to add thunderstorms to the list of reasons why we couldnt sleep, so we decided just to go home! And good thing we did, we got hail in Williamsburg, I dont know about Iowa Lake but thats good enough reason for me!!!

I think it may be awhile before we take another family camping adventure!!

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