Monday, August 20, 2012

And it begins....

So we put an offer in on a house on Sunday and it was accepted! :)

And so it begins.....organizing, packing, cleaning, throwing things out, etc., etc.!! I am very excited and am exhausted already about what September is going to bring my way!!! :) Packing and Unpacking, 4 Year Anniversary, and Cole's 3rd Birthday all in one month!! September is one of my favorite months anyways so this is just icing on the cake!! Fingers crossed that everything turns turns out good!!!

Everyone is very excited! I told my son while outside on the patio at Kara's first birthday party that we were buying a new house and he pointed to their backyard and said "overthere" lol! :) So no we wont be sleeping in the Dietrich's backyard but he seemed excited none the less! :)

All in all we are very excited for this new chapter in our life and couldn't feel more blessed!! Thanks to my friends for "keeping me together" while I stressed about this for the last month!! :) Love ya all!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The last two days of craziness...Vacation Days 3 & 4!

So the last two days of our vacation where not as crazy as the first two but they sure did have their moments!

On Friday we got up early and headed to Cincinnati Premium Outlets! Once again Brynn did not do well in the car and I figured out part of the cause for that....her dvd player had stopped on the list...find a new dvd player lol!

We get to the outlet mall and rent a stroller...wouldn't ya figure that the stroller we got didnt have buckles to buckle either of them in?? Chad decided instead of going back in and getting a different stroller that we would just use that one...BIG MISTAKE!!! The kids did not want to sit in the stroller and when they found out that they werent strapped in all hell broke loose lol! Needless to say we werent at the mall long! We also made the mistake of taking the kids into the Disney Store! I love this store, and so did the kids, which would have been fine but since they got out of their strollers they were running around the store like crazy!! $100 later and a couple of broken items and we were on our way!

After the mall, we headed home for naps! After naps we decided to go back up to the Aquarium, it was earlier but not by much! We left my mom's house at 2:30 pm...apparently Friday in Cincinnati is everyone get off early day, so that meant more traffic :( ugh seriously, thank god I live in Iowa, I dont think I could handle anymore traffic! We get to the Aquarium at like 3:30 or so (suppose to be 35 min drive) and head into the Aquarium. The kids had so much fun! Cole was running around crazy screaming "look it mom, look it" was so cute! It actually made the drive worth it in the end!! :) We got through the entire aquarium in 50 MINUTES!! If you are wondering why this is in all caps, read my previous post!! grrr...the lady the night before told us that it would take 2 hrs to get through the entire Aquarium, hence being the reaon we didnt go the night before because we got there at 6 and they closed at 7...but it only took 50 MINUTES, meaning we could have actually gone the night before!!! Just another crazy to add to the list lol! o well! the kids had fun!

That night we met up with my grandparents for dinner at a Mexican place and the kids were crazy so we didnt end up staying long! Brynna didnt want to sit in her high chair, the kids didnt get their food until like 15 minutes after everyone else had their food (which was already 30 mins after we ordered), Cole was done eating after I had like 2 bites (while holding Brynn on my lap), Cole ended up sneaking off somehow and we find him by the FRONT DOOR! Seriously it was nuts!!

Saturday was a lot better!! We spent some time at my grandma's house and then just chilled at my moms! That night we headed out for some ADULT TIME with some of my fam while my mom watched the me it was much needed!

All in all, we had a good time, but a crazy time! I guess they say life's not worth living unless its crazy! Well that was def true for this vacation :)

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Trains, Puppies and Big Thunderboomers...Vacation Day 2!

So today went a little better but not by far!

It actually started off this morning with being really tired for a numerous of reasons:

1. the room still smelled like poop.
2. we had to put the windown open to air the room out, thus being able to hear the traffic (ALL NIGHT LONG) who in the heck is driving around that early in the morning...goodness.
3. Besides the cars driving by, we could also hear the TRAIN (literally about every 5 minutes) going off!!! SERIOUSLY!
4. The kids were obviously not comfortable because I could hear them rustling around all night long.
5. Besides the kids rustling around, some was my husband because he wasnt "comfortable".
6. We can just end this long list with the worst thunderstorm that lasted almost TWO hours!

So needless to say we started off this morning....TIRED! The kids got up bright and early at 8 a.m. (7 a.m. Iowa time) and ready to play.

We all got ready and decided to go to the Antique Mall and guess who forgot the stroller? yep thats right...this girl! They did however have carts, but this do not contain my son he literally was trying to climb out of them...and this Antique Mall was HUGE with breakables needless to say we didnt stay long!

We decided after that to come home and do naps... (no i didnt get one)! After nap we decided to go to the Newport Aquarium! We went and got discounted tickets and headed on our way! (it is 4:30 pm at this time)! No one was really thinking about time, we just left, well that was a BIG MISTAKE!!! We hit 5 o'clock traffic and what was supposed to be a 35 minute ride to the Aquarium ended up being AN HOUR IN A HALF!! That would have been bad enough if my daughter didnt think that we were making another long trip and cried the entire time because she wanted out!!! Literally the entire time!!!  And as if that wasnt bad enough...when we got to the Aquarium it was 6 pm (they close at 7 apparently) and they told us that they recommend 2 to 2 1/2 hours to go through the Aquarium and if we were still in there at 7 when they closed we would be kicked out no matter where we were at :(

So after telling Cole all day that we were going to go to see the sharks, Nemo and Dori and puppies??? (not sure why he thought puppies would be there) we ended up not being able to go :(

Ended the night however wtih some food, family and a little Rum Chata Root Beer Floats!!! so not a bad ending to an otherwise not so good day!....again...!!!

On tomorrow's agenda....Cincinnati Premium Outlet Mall and yes the Newport Aquarium (we are going earlier this time)!!!

Will update tomorrow!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I'm dreaming poop, pee and diaper cream...vacation day 1!

Well today is day one of vacation!

We left this morning at about 8 o"clock and headed to my mom's in Hamilton, Ohio (about an 8 hour drive). I packed all the goodies, movies and toys and hoped for the best!!

Here is a list of how my day went:

1. Brynn whining "mommmieee" the WHOLE 9 HOURS (yes I said 9, although it is suppose to take 8 lol)
2. Cole was actually good! (Totally thought this was going to be the other way around)
3. Got to my mom's and the kids reversed roles (apparently Brynn just wanted out of her carseat and cole wanted back in his?)
4. Laid the kids down a little after 8 in the spare bedroom that we are sleeping in, the are both in seperate pack-n-plays next to eachother.
5. Cole starts banging on the door about an hour later yelling "mommy".
6. Walk in the room and find Cole standing at the door covered in poop from head to toe (NO JOKE)...
7. Look at Brynn and she is standing up in her pack-n-play, so I go to get her out so I can clean the poop off the carpet (after I put Cole in the bathtub), see diaper cream opened on the floor, look at Brynn closer and she has got diaper cream all over her hair, face, arms and legs. Apparently Cole wanted to "wash" sissy's hair with diaper cream!
8. I am half laughing/half crying at this whole situation, I am also very tired at this point from driving all day.
9. Take Brynn into the bathroom and am cleaning up Cole, Chad takes off Brynn's diaper and is waiting till Cole gets out of the bathtub, and Brynn pee's all over the floor.
10. I am now laughing histerically, I can hardly believe my luck at this point.
11. Get Cole out and put Brynn in, the diaper cream IS NOT coming out!! (any pointers would be great, washed her hair 3 times).

GOOD NIGHT!!!!! More to update tomorrow! :) Hopefully tomorrow is less eventful than tonight was!!!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Crazy days!!!

So here is a little update about what has been going on in my life! Last week we decided to put our house up for sale! This is crazy only because we currently do not have a house to go to! However we are excited none the less! So we ended up accepting an offer on our house on Saturday! So homeless here we come!! If anyone knows of any houses that are going to be for sale, let me know!!!! We are excited for a new adventure! However a little sad as well, our kids have only ever lived at that house, so we have a lot of memories but I know we will make memories at a new house!!!

High Rolling, Vegas Style!

So it has been awhile since I blogged :( yep I have been super crazy busy these past couple of weeks and now I am going to play catch up!!! Vegas was amazing! Couldn't have asked to go with a better group of people!

In the airport having a couple!

The four of us in front of Bellagio Fountains!

"In our Red High Heels"

Oh Evening I miss you and I def know you miss us! This place had the best/cheapest drinks for what you actaully got!!! They were drink slushies!

Our boys are so tough! Nobody messed with us in Vegas ;)

Haha...our Cupid Heros!!! Nasty, Trashy and Awesome!

So we purchased this Party Bus Tour on Groupon and here are a couple of pics from that! Very fun and different experience! We went to one club and to enjoy it you would have had to been on drugs or something! It was NUTS!!! There was strobe lights, techno music, teletubbies (no I am not kidding), people with rainbow glow sticks, a pirate handing out shots of Captain Morgan, half naked ladies dancing on was jut crazy!

We had such a good time! And I can't wait to go back!!!